Epilogue Editing is growing!
A Message from Kelly
Dear Epilogue Writing Community,
When I started Epilogue Editing in 2021, I had no idea whether it would work. The past three years have honestly been the most thrilling as you’ve trusted me with your books, articles, job applications. We’ve written together during AcWriMo, writing retreats, and writing circles. And you’ve done amazing things! Published! Gotten jobs! Defended dissertations! Won big grants! Earned tenure and promotion! I love every minute of it.
As I look toward the next five years, I see more things I want to do: more ways to build a writing community, more workshops to host, more great writing to help bring into the world.
Which means it’s time for Epilogue Editing to grow! I’m thrilled to introduce Jim Baker to you. Jim holds a PhD in cultural geography and specializes in working with international scholars (and also happens to be my husband). With Jim on the team, we’ll be able to offer four new services:
Provide real-time editing sessions for clients who would benefit from short, targeted conversations about their writing or research projects;
Expand our ability to support all scholars, scholars for whom English is an additional language, with line and stylistic editing;
Work with scholars who are applying for academic or alt-ac jobs on their search strategy and materials.
My work will stay the same: developmental editing, coaching, running writing retreats and workshops, writing about writing, and helping to make the writing community a place we all want to be.
As always, if you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line at epilogueediting@gmail.com, or set up a time to chat. We’d love to hear what you’re working on!