Academic Marketing and Publicity
Custom strategies to help your work connect with readers and the world.
Tier One
A close reading of your book proposal and existing promotional documents;
A 45-minute strategy call to set you up with a game plan to market your book.
A brainstorming session perfect for people who just want another set of eyes on their materials.
Tier Two
A 45-minute strategy call focused on understanding your goals for the book;
Completion of author PR questionnaire for publisher or design of a basic PR package.
Drafting of emails and application materials to awards committees and endorsers.
Perfect for busy people looking to connect with their audience.
Tier Three
45-minute strategy call focused on understanding your goals for the book;
Completion of author PR questionnaire for publisher or design of a basic PR package.
Drafting of emails and application materials to awards committees and endorsers.
Creation of a personalized media kit.
Creation of a personalized “public intellectual” strategy including generating a list of potential podcasts, bookstores, conference panels, etc
Perfect for people seeking a broader audience for their work.
Custom Package
Do you want swag for your book? Someone to book speaking engagements? Someone to solicit and curate endorsements for you? A social media campaign? Help with independent publishing? Website copy for your book?
Contact us about creating a customized package!
Perfect for people with big dreams who want their book to make a splash!
When in the book process should I get started on this?
As soon as possible! Once you’re under contract or have a final draft of your book is a great time to start thinking about how create a publicity plan.
What is the difference between marketing and publicity anyway?
Marketing uses your resources—word of mouth, email marketing, paid advertising, social media, conference presentations, etc, and publicity is attracting attention so that other folks use their resources to spread the word—blog posts, reviews, best-of lists, podcasts, etc.)
Do I have to do this?
Your publisher will likely want some marketing materials, so the answer to that part of the question is likely yes. The rest of it is up to you—what do you want the book to accomplish in the world? If you need more tools to make that happen, we can help.
I’ve been hiding from my publisher for a year—is it too late to do this?
It’s never too late, and they’ll thank you for it! Let us help you get it done and off your desk.
Why us?
We are a team of academics who have helped launch dozens of books into the world. We understand both the wider world of book publishing as well as the unique needs of scholars. We won’t charge you tens of thousands of dollars to get your work in front of your ideal audience.
How should I choose between tiers?
It depends on a number of factors: what your hopes are for the book, how much your publisher is planning to do, how much you’re excited to do, the potential audience for the book, etc. Schedule a free 30-minute consultation call with us to talk about your goals and figure out the best strategy!
What if I have more questions?
Email us to set up a free consultation call! epilogueediting [at] gmail [dot] com.