Why hire an editor?
There are two reasons I think someone might benefit from working with an editor. The first is all about balance in life. If you have a great idea for an article or book, get the idea on paper, and then let me help with the craft of writing. Delegating the editing to someone else leaves you more time to focus on what you’re passionate about. (Read what folks have to say about my approach to editing!)
The second reason is that editing is about learning - hiring an editor now lets you discover things about your own writing process and style that you can use in the future.
You know your writing style best - maybe you are an excellent researcher but struggle with articulation of the idea. Developmental editing can help with that. Maybe your strength lies in argumentation, but you want to develop a stronger voice. Style editing can help with that. If you’re a great writer but struggle with motivation and losing the forest for the trees, structured coaching might help you bring the manuscript into the world. A free 30-minute consultation can help you identify the scope of editing that best fits your project.